Using Signway with OpenAI's API

This example will use Signway's Python SDK for creating signed URLs, and will use Signway's docker image for proxying the verified signed requests to OpenAI's api, so you will need:

Choose an id and a secret for configuring Signway

export SW_ID="app-id"
export SW_SECRET="super-secure-string"

You don't need to necessarily use this values, but if you want to just copy-paste those that's fine.

Don't forget to also export your OpenAI api key, this should be a valid OpenAI key for this example to work.

export OPENAI_TOKEN="your valid openai api key goes here"

Launching the Signway server

Open a terminal and launch the Signway server:

docker run -p 3000:3000 gabotechs/signway $SW_ID $SW_SECRET \
 --header "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_TOKEN"

This Signway server will only accept requests correctly signed using $SW_ID and $SW_SECRET.

Creating a signed URL using the Python SDK

Create a new virtual environment and install the Python SDK:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install signway-sdk

Remember to also export here the same id and secret from before:

export SW_ID="app-id"
export SW_SECRET="super-secure-string"

Create a new Python file called and paste this content:

from signway_sdk import sign_url
import os


Executing this script within the venv will output a URL that looks like this:

$ python


Note that the URL points to your Signway server running in the localhost, but it has the X-Sw-Proxy query parameter set to This tells signway where should the request be proxy-ed.

Querying Open AI

Now, try to make a request with curl as if you wanted to query directly OpenAI's API but passing through Signway:

curl $(python \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"model": "text-davinci-003", "prompt": "Say this is a test"}'

If the OPENAI_TOKEN set while launching Signway is valid, you should have received an actual response from OpenAI, and you didn't need to provide any token in the curl request. Signway added it for you.

Let the URL expire

Try this now, store the signed URL in an env variable:

export SIGNED_URL=$(python

We configured the script to sign URLs with an expiration date of 10 seconds, so wait 10 seconds and do the request again:

curl $SIGNED_URL \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"model": "text-davinci-003", "prompt": "Say this is a test"}'

If you are quick copy-pasting this commands in a terminal, you may have seen the request succeed, but after the configured 10s have passed, the request will be rejected.

Sign more things

Right now, the Content-Type header and the body are not signed, so consumer of the signed URL are allowed to do whatever they want with those things.

You can be more restrictive, and also sign both, so that users consuming the signed URL are forced to pass the headers and the body that you want.

For that, edit the Python script:

from signway_sdk import sign_url
import os

    headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"},
    body='{"model": "text-davinci-003", "prompt": "Say this is a test"}'

Now, try to make again the request with curl:

curl $(python \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"model": "text-davinci-003", "prompt": "Say this is a test"}'

That should work, as the provided header and body are the same that were declared in the signature, but what if the body changes for example?

curl $(python \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"model": "text-davinci-003", "prompt": "Say this is NOT a test"}'

You will get rejected by Signway, as the body now is contributing to the URL's signature.